When I was 17… Mrs. Carter

Interviewed by Dominick Meyers

What high school did you attend when you were 17 and what year did you graduate? I went to Pensacola Catholic High School and graduatedScreen Shot 2012-12-05 at 2.16.58 PM in 1992.

If you began driving by 17, what was your very first car?  I actually did not have a car until I graduated college, although I could drive.  I did my share of driving around in my mom’s 1982 Ford Fairmont.

What was your favorite music, i.e, bands you liked or concerts you went to?  I loved U2, and Pearl Jam was just getting big.  And, of course, Guns n Roses.  After all, “November Rain” was THE song of that time!

What was your favorite TV show or movie at the time?  A T.V. show called “Young Riders” which came on Thursdays.  We would come back to school and discuss the show (popular with the females only as it featured mainly good-looking young men!).  We also all loved Saturday Night Live.  It may seem lame now, but if you came back to school on Monday and could not talk about the hottest SNL skit, you were not in the know.

What were your favorite subjects? Do you have special memories of a certain teacher (or teachers) who inspired you?  I loved American History/Government.  My teacher was Mrs. Alta Bestler.  She really challenged us, but she made history live!  I also liked English with Mrs. Witt.

What type of clubs, sports, or activities were you involved in?  I was in the Drama Club.  Ms. Moore was our sponsor.  During my Senior year, we did a play that we were able to do for Pensacola Little Theater.  It was part of a drama competition among the local high schools.  She was a great sponsor, and it was a wonderful opportunity.

What did you do on the weekends?  Hung out with friends.  Watched movies at the Cordova Mall Theaters…there were two…one in the mall and one outside the mall.  Going shopping…at the mall, of course.  And, every Friday in fall, if it was a home game, I was at the Gorecki-LeBeau Stadium cheering on the Crusaders!

How did your high school experience influence the college/university you attended?  I am not sure, but I knew I wanted to go to a Catholic college so that I could see my faith grow.  I went to Spring Hill College, and I know that the education I got at CHS was a fundamental part of my success in college.

Anything else you would like to share?  It has been 20 years since I graduated high school, and yet there are some parts of it that seem so much like yesterday.  Remember to be nice to each other, and that if high school has not been the best part of your life, it is okay.  It’s only one part of your life.  And, do try to meet the people in your class and get to know them.  Don’t just stick with a clique.