Meet Father James Valenzuela

Interviewed by Jessica Pohlman

What inspired you to become a priest? The seeds of my faith were sowed by my parents and family. I was taught early that Church was an important part of life. I came to understand how important my faith is as I continued to mature as a person. From there, the interaction with my close friends, priest mentors, and the faithful guided me in the process of discernment to become a priest.

What was your hometown, collage/university attended? I consider my hometown the Tallahassee area, where memory begins. There I attended Leon High School and received my degree of Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and Economics from the Florida State University.

At what age did you know that you were destined to be a priest? I only seriously considered a vocation to the priesthood during my last year of college, when I was 20 years old. Then sometime during the process of formation I had the conviction that God was calling me to be a priest. I joke that because I had never been an altar server nor attended Catholic school that it is all catching up to me.

What is the most rewarding feeling about being a priest? Important to my vocation to the priesthood is the continuous call to excellence. It is the people that I encounter daily that encourage me to grow in holiness. Being a priest makes me a better man.

What is the most interesting experience you have had while being a priest? I can name a number of incredible moments as a priest: hearing my first confession, presiding at the marriage of my younger brother, baptizing my nieces and nephews. As you might imagine, my high school ten year reunion was interesting. The great challenge and blessing in my life now is in the administration of Holy Spirit Parish in Perdido.